Interactive HR

Interactive HR (ihr) software is non stop HR and Payroll solution which focus what matter you need in HR and Payroll administration. Our software system is fully secure, faster which enable HR operation task done with most effective, easy and the best way. Our compressive HR and Payroll packages & services are fully integrated. We offer a cost effective solution for our valuable clients which lead them to optimize HR task, save time & maximize productivity. HR feature includes recruiting employees and their information, leave and attendance management, career progression, performance appraisal and employees settlement. Payroll management system includes employees monthly salary calculation through automatic loan, bonus, PF, GF, TAX calculation and others adjustment process.

For Company


$ 500 Yearly
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$ 500 Yearly
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HR & Payroll

$ 900 Yearly
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For Individual


$ 400 Yearly
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$ 400 Yearly
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HR & Payroll

$ 450 Yearly
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    Your Cart
    Interactive HR

    HR & Payroll Combo For Company

    Qty: 2
    Price: 900.00Tk.